SPEAR System

SPEAR System
Also known as Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response
Focus Hybrid
Country of origin USA
Creator Tony Blauer
Olympic sport No
Official website http://www.tonyblauer.com/

The SPEAR system (originally an acronym for Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response) is a close quarter protection system which uses a persons reflex action in threatening situations as a basis for defence[1]. The primary founder, Tony Blauer, developed the SPEAR system in Canada during the 1980s.[2] It has since been adopted by several military and law enforcement agencies across the world.


Basic principles

The SPEAR system is not a sport, its only use is as a tool for self defence[3], therefore there are no rankings or competitions of any kind. The style adopts the natural reflex of a person when faced in a threatening situation, which is dubbed the 'startle-flinch response'.


The SPEAR System was developed by Tony Blauer in the 1980s and was born from his "Panic Attack" subject of study that relates to the emotional and physiological aspects of sudden and unexpected violence.

The "Panic Attack" study developed into the "Be Your Own Bodyguard" program and the present day SPEAR and Personal Defense Readiness ("PDR") programs. Tony's wardrobe also evolved from the single-piece wrestling singlet to the current Blauer Tactical T-shirt, BDU pants, and desert GI boots.[4]

Current usage

It has been recommended by the Association of Chief Police Officers in a Personal Safety Training Manual for the British Police, becoming the only generic system to become so adopted[5][6]. The SPEAR system is also open to civilians via the Personal Defence Readiness Program.

See also
